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2022 01: Aromatherapy Newsletter January 2022
Green Valley Aromatherapy – January 2022
Dear Aromatherapy Friends,
Happy 2022! We are trusting that you all had a wonderful holiday season, we certainly did!
With record breaking snowfall on Vancouver Island and the new COVID-19 variant (and restrictions), many of us had a more subdued Christmas than we had initially planned. Despite the challenges of the past year (make that two!) we at Green Valley Aromatherapy are feeling cautiously optimistic about 2022 and are excited about new prospects. We have been busily working away behind the scenes, dreaming up new products, reworking old ones and concocting new blends.
During the past year we have strived to remain adaptable and positive in all circumstances with the safety of our customers and staff alike being of most importance. We would like to thank everyone who has supported us through the last year. As a token of our appreciation we will be adding a small gift with each online order in January.
Sending all the very best to you in this new year!
Looking forward to a wonderful 2022!
Barb Greenwood
Profile on German Chamomile essential oil:
One of the best essential oils for skincare, German Chamomile is especially helpful when treating sensitive, inflamed skin. This Chamomile has a beautiful rich blue colour, which sets it apart from its cousin, Roman Chamomile. German Chamomile contains a higher content of the chemical chamazulene compared to the Roman Chamomile which contributes to its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties.
Profile on Equilibrium Blend:
Profile on Aloe Vera GeL:
This very thick aloe-based gel is derived from the leaves of the aloe vera plant. Aloe Vera Gel has great healing properties making it a excellent addition to, or base, for many kinds of products. Add your favourite essential oils to this cool, smooth jelly for a wonderful, refreshing skin gel. Its hydrating nature is especially beneficial to those with dry skin. Aloe vera’s moisiturizing and anti-inflammatory properties make it a wonderful healing salve for mild burns or injuries.
REcipe for a Nourishing Hair Mask:
Being almost mid way through winter some of us are noticing that our hair is beginning to look and feel a bit worse for wear. Cold weather can dry your hair and with hats, toques and sudden temperature changes when coming indoors it can end up quite frizzy and brittle. Scalps can also suffer from irritation and dry skin.
Hair masks can help to moisturize and nourish hair and scalp alike.
Mix the following ingredients together well and apply to hair and scalp. Gently massage the mask in and once you’re satisfied pop on a shower cap and allow to sit for up to 1 hour before rinsing/washing out.
1/2 cup Aloe Vera Gel – To encourage hair growth and heal damaged hair
1/4 cup Avocado Oil – High in protein, it helps to repair, restore and strengthen
1/4 cup Raw Honey – Moisturizing, softening and rejuvenates shine
15 drops each Lavender and Rosemary essential oils to stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth.
Any left over mask can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
Did you know:
January is thought by some to be named after the Roman god Janus; God of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. He rules the gray areas between darkness and light, life and death, good fortune and bad. Janus is often depicted as having two faces so that he could see the future and the past.

“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.”
– Melody Beattie