Article Category: Aromatherapy at Home & Work
Essential Oils for Moving House
Essential oils can play a big part in moving house. From creating a warm and welcoming space when showing your home to potential buyers, to helping you relax after all of your packing/ unpacking, essential oils are the perfect companion to help ease you through this time of change. Essential Oils for house viewing After… Read more
Aromatherapy in Hair Salons
Using Essential Oils to Increase Loyalty and Profits As hair stylists diversify and increase their income they are turning to value-added methods: incorporating aromatherapy and essential oils is one way to do both. For those who enjoy styling hair, have a flair for fashion and have great people skills, hairdressing can be an excellent way… Read more
Aromatherapy in the Kitchen
Using essential oils to keep your kitchen clean! So many essential oils have powerful antibacterial and antiseptic qualities that using them in the kitchen seems a very “natural” thing to do. The scent from these natural cleaners is also a bonus, as no one wants to have to contend with chemical scents wafting around their… Read more
Aromatherapy to Reduce Office Stress
Using essential oils to reduce tension and stress in a work environment Physical, emotional and mental stress can be a big part of everyday office life. Use essential oils and aromatherapy to help reduce that stress. Physical stress in offices is most often due to poor ergonomic design. To reduce visual stress make sure eyes… Read more
Insecticidal Essential Oils
Using essential oils to repel bugs Essential oils are effective even in the great outdoors. Here are a few of the oils that are known to keep various bugs at bay. Many essential oils are known to have insecticidal or insect repellent properties, meaning that they can kill or deter certain kinds of insects. Clove… Read more