Article Category: Skincare, Haircare and Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy & Skincare
Using essential oils to care for your skin Our skin is the body’s largest organ. It has the job of elimination, protection, temperature control and sensation. What would we do without it? It certainly deserves our utmost respect and yet, at times we seem to take it for granted by not cleaning it adequately, subjecting… Read more
Aromatherapy & Hair Loss
Using Essential Oils to Treat Baldness and Alopecia Conditions Hair loss is a common condition in men and less common in women. Finding a natural remedy to alleviate hair loss, no matter what the cause, can bring relief to sufferers. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of conditions including: hormonal changes (particularly during… Read more
Essential Oils & Healthy Skincare
Using essential oils to care for your skin There are many skin types and conditions, depending on your age, diet and general condition. Skin types are generally broken out into three main categories: oily, dry and combination. No matter what the skin type, there are essential oils to help keep skin healthy, clean, refreshed and… Read more