General Properties
- antidepressant
- antiseptic
- detoxifier
- digestive stimulant
- disinfectant
- diuretic
- emotional stimulant
Origin: Florida. Cold pressed from the peel. Top note.
Grapefruit essential oil is produced by expression of the peel of the fruit. It can contain up to 90% of limonene with citral, geraniol, cadinene and paradisol. The essential oil is primarily produced in Israel, Brazil, Florida and California.
Grapefruit essential oil is valued for its ability to help with fluid retention and cellulite. It is a diuretic, detoxifier and lymphatic stimulant (good when used in a massage oil with geranium for these conditions!). It has been used in post-exercise massage oils because of its ability to help break up lactic acid from the muscles, thereby helping to relieve muscle pain and stiffness.
Because of its ability to control bodily secretions, grapefruit essential oil is great for use on oily and acneic skin, as it has a tonic effect.
This essential oils most important use, however, seems to be its antidepressant capabilities. It is a “happy” oil that is non-sedating and has uplifting properties. Those with S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) have noticed good results when grapefruit essential oil has been used.
Grapefruit essential oil blends well with all other citrus oils, particularly Orange essential oil and Bergamot essential oil.
Grapefruit can be found in the following blends:
- Cleanse Blend
- Golden Zest Blend
- Elevate the Spirit Blend
- Higher Being Blend
- Infinite Bliss Blend
- Morning Bloom Blend
- Peace Blend
Grapefruit can be found in the following kits:
Please read more about the health benefits of grapefruit essential oil here.