Recipe Category: Health & Wellness
Recipe for Allergies
Allergies: no one seems to know what causes them, or how to cure them! Allergies interfere with sleep, concentration, socializing, and can cause watery eyes, itchy skin, and general irritability. This can be very upsetting for children and adults alike. Thankfully there are essential oils that may help alleviate these symptoms, such as Goldenrod. This organic,… Read more
Stress Relief Aromatherapy Massage
Everyone appreciates the soothing and invigorating effects of a good massage. Add the properties of therapeutic grade essential oils and you’ll understand why many professional massage therapists use essential oils for added benefit to their clients. If you’re planning to give a full body massage at home, lay down a blanket covered by a towel… Read more
Night Night Aromatherapy Blend
Has sleep been evading you? In need of a restful night? Try mixing up a blend of pure essential oils! 1ml Ginger essential oil 1.5 ml Lavender essential oil 0.5ml Roman Chamomile essential oil 1ml Vetivert essential oil 1ml Mandarin, red essential oil Combine all oils into a 5ml bottle and keep close to your bed. 5-6 drops may be added to… Read more
Lymph Support Aromatherapy Blend
Your lymph system helps to filter out organisms that cause disease, and it produces certain white blood cells and generates antibodies. These essential oils are said to help support the lymph system! 2ml Fennel essential oil 1ml Geranium essential oil 1ml Juniper essential oil 1ml Rosemary essential oil Combine all oils into a 5ml bottle seal tightly and invert… Read more
Lymph Cleanse Aromatherapy Bath
Sometimes a relaxing bath is all you need to liven your spirit and make your body feel soothed and calm. Try this Lymph Cleanse Aromatherapy Bath recipe: 1 cup Dead Sea salts 1 cup Epsom salts 1/2 cup regular Sea Salt 1/4 cup baking soda 3 drops Lavender essential oil 2 drops Marjoram essential oil 1 drop Ylang… Read more
Leg Cramps Aromatherapy Recipe
Do you ever get woken in the night with a terrible leg cramps and spasm? Yikes, it’s a rude awakening! Taking calcium supplements is one way to prevent leg cramps, as is massaging your legs before bed with the following aromatherapy blend, courtesy of Valerie Ann Worwood, author of The Fragrant Pharmacy, a must-have book… Read more
Immune Stimulant with Citrus Essential Oils
Citrus essential oils are thought to have many wonderful benefits, including anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and immune-stimulating properties. Try this recipe during the winter to add a bright smell into any room that may also help you feel ready to combat sickness! Pour 30mls of an aromatherapy carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil, Emu Oil, Grapeseed… Read more
Immune Boosting Blend
Sometimes our immune systems need a little boost. Try making this blend when you need some extra encouragement. 2 drops Vanilla essential oil 1ml Tea Tree essential oil 1ml Rosemary essential oil 2ml Eucalyptus essential oil 1ml Juniper essential oil Combine all essential oils into a 5ml bottle and use in a diffuser, massage oil or in Epsom salts for the bath…. Read more
Hydrosol Recipes
Headaches: Mix 50mls of Peppermint hydrosol and 50mls of Roman Chamomile Hydrosol, add to 100mls of water and use as a cold compress. Burns: Apply Lavender essential oil directly onto a burn and place a cotton soaked in Lavender hydrosol on top. Skin Toner: Add 100mls of Witch Hazel to a large handful of fresh, finely chopped sage. Infuse in a warm place for 3… Read more